
I began walking as a hobby 20 years ago and in-between completed the summer mountain leader course at Glenmore lodge, subsequently walking most of the long distance walks in Scotland. I have also travelled abroad on a number of occasions. In Spain I walked the Santiago de Compostela route, which began as a pilgrimage to St. James. It starts at the border of Spain and ends at the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. It is a walk which takes you across the top of Spain and is a distance of 500 miles.

In Germany I walked the Rheinhohenweg trail, which in English means the Rein Heights. This walk covers an area of 150 miles and takes you from Bonn to Oppenheim on one side of the Rhine and then another walk takes you from Bonn Beuel to Weisbaden covering a distance of 169 miles. It crosses the hills of the Rhine Valley and as well as some amazing views you get to see a lot of German castles.

However, Scotland is the place I love best and with its beautiful countryside, interesting wildlife, and rich history, there is plenty to see and explore whilst walking here.

This website will give you details of a number of Scotland’s walks with a brief overview of each one, together with my observations and any hints and tips that I think will be useful plus if required a gpx file for downloading.

Please contact me directly using the contact form below, I shall get back to you very soon.
Happy walking!