Arrochar to Invergulas

This is the shortest section of the walk so far between Arrochar to Invergulas, and at a distance of 6 miles you should complete the walk in two and a half to three hours. The route takes you on paths and tracks with spectacular views of the countryside and if you’re lucky some rare wildlife too.

Start your walk at the underpass at Tarbet Station and follow the pass to the Glen Loin woods, which is where people have reported seeing Red Squirrels. There are views of Arrochar, The Cobbler and Beinn Nairnain.

Keep walking, straight ahead, unless you want to visit the shop at Arrochar and then you need to take a short detour to the left. The track has pine trees on one side and as you continue to walk through the countryside you will eventually cross a footbridge and start an uphill climb with the Ben Vorlich ahead. When you reach the Bridge over the Inveruglas Water, take the path on the far side and this will lead you to a tarmac road and you should turn right on to the Glenn and begin to descend with Ben Vane behind you and Ben Vorlich on your right.

The descent is an easy walk passing the electricity sub- station, under the railway and coming out onto the A82 turn left off the main road and it’s a straight walk from here until you get to the Power Station at Inveruglas then cross to the car park and the Visitors Centre.
Inveruglas is on the shores of Loch Lomond. In the summer you can catch a ferry to Inversnaid and from there you can visit Inversnaid Island, which has the ruins of a Castle that was destroyed in the 17th century by Oliver Cromwell’s Roundheads.